Glo Free Browsing Cheat With Psiphon VPN Settings July 2024

Glo Free Browsing Cheat With Psiphon VPN Settings

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Check out our latest Glo free browsing cheat with Psiphon VPN settings. We have been surfing with Unlimited Data Plan For All With Dent App.  But today we are going to have a look at Glo free browsing cheat with Psiphon VPN Handler, and Tweakware Apk.

If you have been following I believe you should have been conversant with Psiphon VPN Handler, But for the benefit of those that joined newly I will like to brief them on Psiphon VPN Handler

glo psiphon cheat 2019

Psiphon Pro VPN Handler (psiphon) is a free open source internet tunneling VPN that gives you access to many blocked websites in some internet censored countries through its encrypted servers.

How Do I Activate free Browsing Cheat For Glo With Psiphon VPN Handler? 

To enjoy this Glo unlimited browsing tweak to the fullest, you must exhausts any active data plan on your Glo sim and text “PAYU” in an SMS to 127.

You will get a reply saying

You are browsing on flexi recharge at the rate of 1Naira/MB

Just close your eyes at the response because that’s where the tweak started.

Requirements For Glo Free Browsing Cheat 

  • √ Any registered Glo sim card, both new and old.
  • √ Good and stable network for downloading and streaming, it could be 3G, HSI, and 4G VoLT LTE.
  • √ Android 2.3.0 or higher
  • √ Download Psiphon VPN Handler Android free App

Features Of Psiphon Pro Lite Handler

  • Disconnecting problem solved
  • Fast and easy to use
  • USB, Wifi tethering and generic Config
  • Secured automatic servers
  • Low RAM and  battery consumption (optimized)
  • Best servers of the following country have been added, USASpain and  Singapore
  • Other related bugs fixed
  • Splash Theme

Psiphon Configuration For Glo Free Browsing Cheat

Name: Tricksvile Free Browsing
APN: glodirect
APN Type: Tick Default/Supl
Proxy: blank
Username: secure
Password: secure

Settings For Latest Glo Free Browsing via Psiphon, Tweakware 
Lunch the psiphon Pro and set it up as below;

Add port to non-port url:
Tick on the remove port
Proxy type: real host
Custom Header: X-Online-Host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 8080

Click on Save this will take you to the main menu, From the fast free proxy list; choose United states or Netherland, now click on Start, immediately the Psiphon  establish a connection with its high speed mode. Keep checking for latest Glo Psiphon  cheat for PCs while enjoying the latest Glo Free Browsing Cheat on your Android device.
If you Careful follow the above procedure,  the latest settings for Glo Free Browsing  Psiphon tweak would work for you like magic.
Note: This is a Cheat and can be disabled once it is detected it does not guarantee life time benefits 

A comment on "Glo Free Browsing Cheat With Psiphon VPN Settings"

  1. David says:

    I don’t think it’s working

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