How To Check Android Device is Rooted or not Programmatically | Tricksvile

How To Check Android Device is Rooted or not Programmatically

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So, you’re looking for how to check if an android device is rooted or not programmatically. Great! If you’ve made it to this point, you probably already know how rooting will help you break through the limitations imposed on your phone by its manufacturer or carrier and how it’ll give you the ability to install third-party apps without jumping through any hoops.

But before you go about rooting your phone, you should first take a moment to confirm that there is a need for it. After all, some devices come with lots more bloatware than others do—and quite a few phones allow you to make custom tweaks without having to root them.

Fortunately, there are several ways to verify whether or not your particular brand of the phone has been rooted before. Here’s how:

What is Rooting?

Rooting is the act of gaining root access to your device. This means you have special privileges to modify or delete any file stored on your Android device, including system files. You will also be able to customize your device in ways that aren’t possible in a normal state.

Rooting your phone brings both risks and rewards. For example, it can help you save battery life by reducing CPU-heavy tasks and enabling extra features not available on stock Android versions. However, changing system files can void your warranty and may cause security issues or malfunctions if you don’t know what you’re doing.

How to Check Android Device is Rooted or Not Programmatically

The easiest method to verify if an Android device is rooted is installing an app that detects if the phone is rooted. One such application is Root Checker, which can be found on Google Play.

how to check android device is rooted or not programmatically

The app uses a file named su to check for superuser (root) access. Follow the below steps to install and check whether your phone has root access.

  1. Open Google Play and search for Root Checker.
  2. Tap on Install then accepts the necessary permissions. You will now see that the app is downloading:
  3. Tap open once it’s downloaded and installed:
  4. Tap Verify Root: If your device is rooted, you will see “Congratulations! Your device has root access!” as shown below:

Use the Terminal Emulator

Using the Terminal Emulator app is the easiest way to verify if your device is rooted. Here’s how:

  1. Download the Terminal Emulator app from the Google Play Store by clicking here.
  2. Once you’ve installed it, open it up and go to your home screen. You should see a new app icon with a green terminal on it. Tap on this icon to launch the emulator window.
  3. Type in “su” and hit enter (you’ll need to type this in every time you want to run an app as root). If you see a prompt asking for permission, grant it by typing “y” or “yes.”
  4. Once you’ve been granted permission, type in “idmeasure” and enter again (you’ll need to type this every time after running an app as root). This will give you information about whether or not your device has been rooted successfully!

Advantages of a Rooted Android Phone

Having a rooted Android phone can feel like having a whole new phone. Rooting your phone allows you to take advantage of more control and customization options than ever before, so you can make your phone work for you!

You’ll be able to install apps that require root access, which allows them to modify system settings in ways that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. You’ll also be able to access your entire file system instead of just its parts designated for use by non-root users.

Some of the other benefits include:

  • Back up app data, even if the app doesn’t support it
  • Save battery by closing background services and apps
  • Update your phone, even if it’s not officially supported by your carrier or manufacturer
  • You will be able to install cool widgets on your Android phone.
  • You can use root-only apps like Greenify and Lucky Patcher.
  • You can overclock your processor for faster speed.
  • You can underclock your processor for better battery life.


In closing, rooted phones are the best. I’m fond of saying that rooting allows you to take responsibility for your phone and gives you much more control than simply leaving it up to the manufacturer (or carrier). It is inherently more dangerous, though, and so you should only pursue it if you know what you’re doing. Perhaps this little guide can help you out. Good luck, and happy modding!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between rooting and jailbreaking?

Essentially, both refer to the same thing. However, “jailbreaking” is a term used for iOS devices only. The word “root” is cross-platform and can be applied to any operating system–including Android.

What is an android recovery?

Android Recovery refers to a special bootable partition that allows you to install official updates and perform other system-related tasks.

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