APK Turbo Panel Cerdas

6.5 membangun 004
Buka unduhan - APK Turbo Panel Cerdas


Bagaimana cara menginstal APK Smart Panel Turbo?

1. Ketuk file APK Smart Panel Turbo yang diunduh.

2. Sentuh instal.

3. Ikuti langkah-langkah di layar.

Sekali Per JamTELEGRAM
4.6/5 Suara: 628,203
Aplikasi reportar esta


Apa yang Baru dalam Pembaruan Ini:

Build 004
- Added the ability to adjust the opacity of the music widget when hidden
- Fixed Material Calendar Widget colors
- The wallpaper picker now works better on large screens
- Themed icons are now more consistent
- Fixed an issue where the Opaque Blur effect appeared more transparent than intended
- Various bug fixes to ensure a smoother experience