Gas App APK For Android (Hack, Unlimited Flames Unlocked)

4.6/5 Votes: 238,000
Dec 3, 2022
106.5 MB
iOS 14.0 or later
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If you’ve ever wanted to tell your crush how you feel but haven’t found the right words, or if you wish to show your friends how much they mean to you, the Gas app is the app for you.

It is better than making a note and leaving it in your crush’s locker; you don’t have to go there anymore; download the Gas APK and start gassing up your friends.

Gas app: see who likes you

What is the Gas app?

Gas is a social media app that lets you connect with friends and get positive feedback. It’s an easy-to-use way to get honest feedback from people who care about you—and it’s anonymous.

In Gas, you can join groups (schools) and add friends. Then you can answer polls, which are fun questions like “who is the best friend?” or “which one of your friends would make the best drama club president?”

Each time a person votes on your poll, they give you a virtual flame—a secret message of love for you.

This app is a great conversation starter as it gets people thinking and sparks conversations. And while I admit, there are times when I get a message and put on my detective goggles trying to guess who sent it—I would be lying if I said this wasn’t fun.

Gas app flames

How does the Gas app work?

The Gas app works a little differently than other apps. It is a social network that allows you to connect with people who live near you or around the world.

Gas App is a mobile app that lets you join groups of people at your high school, then vote for the people you think are most likely to have crushes on other students. You can use the Gas App to find out who’s going crazy over someone just like them!

You can get started by downloading the app, signing up with your high school email address, and choosing friends or family members to join (or making a new group on your own). Once you’ve done that, start voting!

You’ll be given 12 random questions every hour, where you can pick from 1 out of 12 randomized names. If you don’t want to answer any questions or if some questions make you uncomfortable, no worries—you can skip those.

Once you’ve picked someone, they’ll get a message that says, “a girl/boy has voted for me.” Then the app will show them what you gave them. Don’t worry; your identity will remain anonymous throughout the process.

It’s fun because you get to see what silly things your friends have voted for and how many people are crushing on each other.

Gas App apk for android

Review of the Gas App

I love this app. It’s fun, easy to use, and has an excellent user interface. I’ve been using it for about a month now, and I have to say it’s really helped me meet new people in my area.

There are some minor criticisms, though.

The one downside to this method is that you have to wait an hour between answering questions. I’m sure there’s a good reason for this, but it still makes me wonder why we can’t answer them as soon as they pop up on our screens.

Secondly, the app is available only on iOS, which is a shame because many people use Android phones. Other than that, though, I like this app. It’s fun and easy to use and has helped me meet new people in my area.

And lastly, one thing that could be improved is that you have to pay $7 a week so that you can get several hints per day about who likes you. I hope that sometime in the future, there will be a way to get free hints by inviting friends, watching ads, or completing surveys.”

Gas app hint image

How to download Gas App on Android

Currently, the Gas app is not available on Android. It works only with iOS, and we will update this post with a download link once the app is released on Android.

In the meantime, you can use the following steps to download the Gas app on your iOS device:

  1. Download the Gas app from the App Store
  2. Launch the app and follow the onscreen instructions to create an account.

In Summary,

Gas is an excellent app because it lets you get feedback while being anonymous. It’s easy and fun! Asking people questions and getting answers anonymously can be pretty enjoyable.

People might even say more than they would if they knew the answer was traced back to them. The creators of Gas want users to get the most out of the app.

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